Special Report: Trends Report 2019

Consumers will be moving out of their comfort zones to explore bolder flavours and multi-sensory food experiences in 2019.

The plant-based market shows no signs of slowing down and companies are changing their portfolios to attract everyday consumers.

Replacement foods and ingredients, especially in the gluten and dairy-free categories and increasingly protein, are on the rise.

4. Green Appeal

Customer expectations around sustainability are now being embraced by the industry, with green issues now driving corporate goals.

Snacking may be a large part of daily life already, but things are changing, such as the way people think about snacking and what they consider to be a snack.

Startup companies will continue to shake up the food and beverage industry in 2019, thanks to the powerful pull of local sourcing.

As consumer interest grows in fibre, manufacturers have stepped in to fill the demand with increased launch activity.

8. I Feel Good

Consumers are increasingly interested in the role that nutrition can play, not only in physical wellness, but in emotional and mental wellbeing too.

9. Eating for Me

Personalised nutrition is another trend that is having a big impact on new product development.

Digital tech advances are helping consumers become more closely connected to their food, and encouraging greater levels of transparency from companies.