• In this episode, Food & Drink Business editor Kim Berry talks to federal MP, Meryl Swanson, to discuss the findings from the recent House Standing Committee on Agriculture inquiry into food security. As chair of the inquiry, Meryl expands on just some of the 35 recommendations and Australia’s food system.
    In this episode, Food & Drink Business editor Kim Berry talks to federal MP, Meryl Swanson, to discuss the findings from the recent House Standing Committee on Agriculture inquiry into food security. As chair of the inquiry, Meryl expands on just some of the 35 recommendations and Australia’s food system.

In this episode, Food & Drink Business editor Kim Berry talks to federal MP, Meryl Swanson, about the findings from the recent House Standing Committee on Agriculture inquiry into food security. As chair of the inquiry, Meryl expands on just some of the 35 recommendations and Australia’s food system.

We start off discussing the recommendations for a National Food Plan, a Minister for Food supported by a National Food Council and a National Food Supply Chain Map. Meryl explains these concepts were rated as most important by the majority of people fronting the committee and submissions.

She talked about the complexity of the deceptively simple term ‘paddock to plate’, and the policy challenges for the sector because it crosses a few portfolios and risks ‘falling through the cracks’.  

Meryl explains how these would be implemented, with the National Food Council being an expert advisory panel on all matters related to the food system. She talks about the importance of the Minister and associated functions to sit within the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet and have ‘clout’ because of the critical role of the food system.

We wrap up by reviewing the suggested tax breaks to businesses who donate food and reduce food wastage, how the plan can foster industry collaboration and innovation, and the next steps for the federal report.

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Australian Food Story: Feeding the Nation and Beyond

Food Security Inquiry delivers report, recommends Food Waste Tax: www.foodanddrinkbusiness.com.au/news/food-security-inquiry-delivers-report-recommends-food-waste-tax


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If you wish to use any of this podcast’s audio, please send an email to Kim Berry.

The Food & Drink Business Podcast is produced by Southern Skies Media on behalf of Food & Drink Business, owned and published by Yaffa Media.

The views of the people featured on this podcast do not necessarily represent the views of Food & Drink Business, Yaffa Media, or the guest’s employer. The contents are copyright by Yaffa Media.

If you wish to use any of this podcast’s audio, please contact Food & Drink Business via their website or email

MC: Grant McHerron
Host: Kim Berry
Producer: Steve Visscher

Food & Drink Business - © 2024

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