• Jules led an interactive session between food brand GF Oats and Instagram food stylist, Sonali Ghosh (@sugaretal).
    Jules led an interactive session between food brand GF Oats and Instagram food stylist, Sonali Ghosh (@sugaretal).

The importance of social media influencers and citizen content for brands has been demonstrated live at L!VE by Jules Lund of TRIBE.

Lund headed to Future Unpacked to lead an interactive session between food brand GF Oats and an entrepreneur content creator.

He showed the audience firsthand how Kylie Hollonds of GF Oats was able to procure branded images by tapping into the creativity of consumers – or in this case, of popular Instagram food stylist, Sonali Ghosh (@sugaretal).

Lund, a former radio and TV personality, worked with GF Oats to develop a campaign just for L!VE, using the TRIBE influencer marketing platform.

Hollonds flew in to Sydney to help Jules present the results of the campaign on stage.

Lund also had another interactive demo in store. He asked the LIVE audience to send their branded phone image in order to show how everyday photos could be worth buying.

A BMW shot was among those selected by Lund to demonstrate the power of citizen marketing.
A BMW shot was among those selected by Lund to demonstrate the power of citizen marketing.

A BMW shot submitted by an audience member was among those selected by Lund to demonstrate this.

This emerging social influencer marketing trend is seeing both small and large brands unlocking premium user-generated content at a fraction of the cost of traditional marketing.

The TRIBE platform has been developed to help connect brands directly with social media influencers to create campaigns aimed at the influencer's audience.

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