
To establish success and ensure repeat purchases in the gluten-free category, a product’s taste and texture has to be spot on. The pair behind a new range of allergen-friendly cookies believe they’ve got the formula just right.

France Rechichi and David Amar are the brains behind a new range of gluten-free cookies formulated to provide both nutrition and taste.

They started off making gluten-free pizza bases under the company name of Pizzaiolis, but eventually they got a hankering to develop the range beyond pizzas.

Since that initial thought to expand, the men have both spent years developing cookies which combine buckwheat, honey, stevia, blackstrap molasses, and dry fruits.


Amar, a food developer, had the idea of dramatically reducing the sugar content and creating a high-fibre product that would stand out in the health food segment.

“Creating a gluten-free cookie that doesn’t taste like cardboard was more than a little difficult,” he admits.

“It was a challenge to find nutrient-dense flours that are not too dry or chalky, while avoiding preservatives, large amounts of sugar, and unnatural ingredients.

“It took me a good two years to develop the cookie because there were so many ingredient choices that didn’t go well.”

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