• Manufacturing Skills Queensland has released its 2024-25 Annual Training Plan in collaboration with the Queensland Government, representing a $5.06 million manufacturing industry investment.
Source: MSQ
    Manufacturing Skills Queensland has released its 2024-25 Annual Training Plan in collaboration with the Queensland Government, representing a $5.06 million manufacturing industry investment. Source: MSQ

Industry led not-for-profit, Manufacturing Skills Queensland (MSQ), has released its 2024-25 Annual Training Plan in collaboration with the Queensland Government. The plan represents a $5.06 million investment aimed at building a sustainable, skilled workforce for a future-proofed manufacturing industry.

MSQ has considered insights and recommendations from a six-week industry consultation and engagement process in the Training Plan development. Over 300 employers, leaders, professionals, and experts met throughout Queensland earlier this year, participating in strategic workforce planning to create a sustainable workforce future.

Queensland Minister for Employment and Small Business and Minister for Training and Skills Development, Lance McCallum, said the government was committed to building a resilient and diverse workforce for the future, with this first-of-its-kind investment acting as a crucial step for enhancing advanced manufacturing excellence in the state.

“We’re focused on doing what matters for Queensland, so this new funding is about creating more secure, well-paying jobs and driving our mighty manufacturing industry forward,” he said.

“With a golden decade of opportunity ahead of us, there’s never been a more important time to invest in workforce planning and programs.”

The Annual Training Plan outlines 19 programs to be rolled out from 1 July, delivered across four investment priority areas:

  • Attraction and engagement: $1,255,000;
  • Trades, transformation, and leadership: $950,000;
  • Training and skills: $1,360,000; and
  • Diversity in manufacturing: $1,500,000.

MSQ chief executive officer, Rebecca Andrews, said that these programs aim to address some of the key issues industry is facing, including promotion of manufacturing as an industry; job pathways challenges; current training and accreditation pathways; and suitability of talent.

“Industry is benefitting from this plan straight away, with three new programs ready to start in July 2024 – our Women in Trades Mentoring; the Mental Health and Resilience Training for leaders and employees; and Leadership Excellence,” said Andrews.

“As we roll-out MSQ’s Annual Training Plan over the next financial year, we welcome industry’s continued engagement and feedback. This is an important step towards our mission of building a skilled workforce for a future-proofed manufacturing industry.”

Some of the key MSQ’s Annual Training Plan 2024/2025 programs include:

  • Women in Trades Mentoring program: $1,350,000 – providing intensive support to 100 female apprentices in their first or second year of their manufacturing apprenticeship.
  • Higher level learning subsidy: $500,000 – investing in higher-level skills of leaders by facilitating access to advanced training, fostering deeper expertise, and paving the way for career progression.
  • Manufacturing General Induction programs: $130,000 – co-designed with industry to help new starters improve industry knowledge gaps, and safety concerns such as work health and safety, workplace expectations.
  • Pathways to a Trade program: $250,000 – providing a curriculum-based opportunity for year 11 and 12 students to experience the manufacturing industry.

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